Sunday, February 10, 2013

Da li su ovo samo slučajnosti: Lady Gaga kopira JK?!

Ekscentrična zvezda Lady Gaga nosila je odevne kombinacije koje su slične poput onih koje je pre nje nosila Jelena Karleuša. Da li su u pitanju samo slučajnosti?! 

Da li su ovo samo slučajnosti?!
Često smo svedoci da mnoge naše domaće zvezde pokušavaju da budu poput svojih svetski poznatih kolega, te tako pronalaze inspriaciju u njihovim pesmama, spotovima, nastupima i stajlinzima. Međutim, šta se desi kada je obrnuta situacija u pitanju?!
Mnogi bi rekli da je to samo slučajnost, te da svetske zvezde ni ne znaju šta se dešava na srpskoj muzičkoj sceni, ali da li je to zaista tako kada nas samo jedan klik na sajtu Youtube deli od kompletne svetske muzičke scene i kada su nam spotovi i pesme internacionalnih svetskih muzičara tako lako dostupne.
Da li je nemoguće da svetski stilisti, režiseri i muzičari prate rad naših zvezda?! Dokaz da i planetarno poznati ljudi ipak imaju uvid u našu scenu i prate šta se to dešava na Balkanu dobili smo kada je popularni svetski bloger Perez Hilton pisao o Jeleni Karleuši i njenom scenskom nastupu i pesmi "Insomnia".
To je bio samo jedan od momenata kada su mnogi shvatili da nismo samo mi čuli za njih, već da i oni itekako znaju šta mi to ovde radimo.
Fanovi plavokose zvezde su primetili i mnoge sličnosti kada su u pitanju odevne kombinacije Jelene Karleuše i ekscentrične Lady Gage, te se na osnovu fotografija može zaključiti da su neke njihove odevne kombinacije i poze zaista prilično slične, s tim što ih je naša pevačica prva promovisala, u nekim slučajevima mnogo godina pre nego što se Gaga pojavila na svetskoj sceni.
Kostim iz spota "Slatka Mala" sličan je onome koji je Gaga imala u pesmi "Poker Face", rukavice koje je JK nosila na premijeri pesme "Insomnia" je iskoristila dva meseca posle nje u modnom editorijalu, dok je mrežu preko glave sa bujnom frizurom Karleuša imala za promociju albuma "Magija" 2005. godine, dok je Lady Gaga furala prilično sličnu odevnu kombinaciju tek pre nekoliko godina.
Šta vi mislite, da li su u pitanju samo slučajnosti?! Glasajte u našoj anketi!

1 comment:

  1. I can see that you would think they are the same but really they are all different.
    In the first one JK has a veil to cover just her eyes while Lady Gaga is wearing a full on lace veil that covers her whole face...that's not the same so how is it a copy.
    The blue outfits also look nothing alike at all. Jk is also wearing a black leather top while LG is wearing all blue and a completely different blue outfit..the only thing that's the same is the background.
    The same goes for the magazine cover where both of them have on the same gloves..JK copied off of someone else and LG dint have a choice in what she wore because as the cover model that's up to the magazine and the creative director of the shoot to deside on what LG will wear plus she is also naked on that cover and you could also say they are both copying Johnny Depp from Edward Scissorhand.
    The she pose in a chair wearing different clothing is laughable for the fact that it could definitely be just accidental especially given the amount of years in between each's like saying LG has a file of photos of JK to pull from to later copy when in fact that's JK's way so of course she will think that.
    Lastly they both wearing blue cut out leotards comes down to the years that both were taken because back then that was definitely in style and many artists were wearing the exact same thing but in differ colors or styles.
    But after this JK is the one that has been copying from LG along with now the Kardashians, Jenners, Beyonce, and Models in fashion magazines for all of her photoshoots and instagram pictures...all her outfits, hairstyles, even her nails is copied off of someone else while telling the world that she is the one coming up with it yet the prof is there if you take the time to do the research. Karleusa is nothing but a lying copycat trying to up her fame by using the ideas of others and taking the credit for it.
